- Our Business
- Services
- Fitness-for-Service
- Corrosion Management
- Welding, Fabrication and Repairs Support
- Materials Engineering
- Risk-based Inspection (RBI)
- Bolted Joints
- Mechanical, Pressure Vessel and Piping Design
- Reliability Engineering
- Root Cause and Failure Analyses
- Threat and Risk Analysis
- Turnaround Support
- Life extension studies / Plant Optimization
- Brownfield Projects Support
- Greenfield Projects Support
- AIM Audits
- Training
- Integrity Management Data Systems
- Technology Development and Joint Industry Projects
- Software
- Training
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- Joint Industry Projects
IES Software Products
Flange Inspection Tools Training
JADE is the foremost software package available for the assembly, design and engineering assessment of Pressure Boundary Bolted Joints. No other software is comparable and JADE is backed by the most advanced technical knowledge in the world in the field of joint integrity.
The core of the software is a world-leading, advanced engineering analysis module that allows assessment of joint integrity that exceeds industry best-practice. This includes:
• Joint Component Strength Calculations
• Flange Design Calculations (ASME VIII, Div.1, App. 2)
• Assessment of the effects of transient thermal loading
• Determination of the optimal joint assembly bolt load
• Joint Assembly Procedure
• Joint Inspection Procedure
• Joint Risk Ranking, fully quantitative approach
• Assessment of all joint loads
• Built-in standard flange and materials database
• Assess any custom flange or standard flange for the actual service conditions.
The software brochure may be accessed here.
The software is distributed as an annual license, the license agreement and cost may be requested via the contact us form.